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Theoretical Orientation
Through the lens of Attachment Theory I look at my client's developmental progress, early experiences and relationships, in order to understand their current challenges. My years of Psychoanalytic training allow me to recognize the role of underlying issues that may be affecting the children's feelings, behaviors and their capacity for healthy engagement and maintenance of relationships.
My experience as a Play Therapist allows me to speak the children's natural language: PLAY and, through Play and Creative Arts interventions, access their fantasies, worries, and unique perceptions of themselves and of the world in a gentle and efficient manner.
In my work with children I utilize various techniques and interventions to help clients to express their dilemmas in a comfortable and age-appropriate way. While symptoms reduction is often needed to alleviate current difficulties the intention of the therapeutic work is to promote structural change, or long term results, a process that can impact positively the person's life.
Research has shown that several interventions can positively impact the therapeutic process of a client. Some of these interventions aim to facilitate interpersonal growth, a secure attachment with caregiver, and the resolution of arrests, conflicts and traumas. I utilize a wide repertoire of interventions with my clients, many of these derive from the fields of Expressive Arts (writing, drama and puppets), Mindfulness, Art Therapy (drawing, painting, collage and sculpting and from Play Therapy.
All learned theory is put in practice with the objective of enhancing my client's sense of well-being and the establishment of a higher level of functioning. We all deserve to feel safe, to have a qualitative life and to engage in rewarding relationships. It is my priority to make my clients feel safe to fully express themselves and to support their parents through their parenting journey.

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